Minutes of the Hobsonville Toastmasters | Speechcraft.Club Club Formation Meeting
Meeting Objective: Club Formation
Date: 4th September 2024
Time: 7:10PM – 8:45PM
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Tim Muhundan at 7:10 PM.
2. Attendance
George, Johan, Tim, Gau, Lyndall, Vijay, Todd, Nish, Mattia, Gino, Jade, Rohan, Murray, Rou, David
Apologies from paid members:
Scot, Jo, Luiza
Quorum Status
It was noted that a quorum was reached for the purpose of appointing club officers, as the majority of the current active members were present.
Charter status
It was noted that the minimum number of paid members was not reached for the purpose of chartering the club with Toastmasters International which requires 20 paid members.
3. Club Formation
The club officially formed as a TM Club in formation with the appointment of the following officers:
Toastmasters Club officer roles:
- President: Tim, nominated by Johan and seconded by Lyndall.
- Vice President of Education: Johan nominated by Tim, seconded by Gau.
- Vice President of Membership: Gau nominated by George, seconded by Johan.
- Treasurer: Lyndall nominated by Tim, seconded by Vijay.
- Secretary: Mattia nominated by George, seconded by Tim.
- Sgt at Arms: Vacant.
Unofficial officer roles:
- Mentoring coordinator: Todd nominated by Tim, seconded by Gau.
4. Discussions and Decisions
- It was decided the club won’t be chartered with with Toastmasters International today as we are still a few short. We will remain a club under formation.
- The club discussed its operational guidelines, structure, and compliance with Toastmasters International bylaws.
- Recruitment strategies for new members and ideas for engaging mentorship were also proposed.
5. Action Items
- Tim to confirm with the school lease beyond Nov 2024 and report back.
- Johan to plan and create the agenda for the first Toastmasters meeting as the newly formed club.
- Gau to prepare a membership recruitment strategy with Tim to reach 20 members by Christmas.
- Tim to send the costing to Lyndall, so Lyndall can report back on budgetary needs.
- Mattia to document the meeting minutes and share it with the committee.
6. Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for 11th Sep 2024 at 6:50PM at the usual place.
7. Next Speechcraft Training
The Speechcraft Training is scheduled for 2nd Oct 2024
at 6:50PM at creative space off Scott point School hall.
8. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45PM
Minutes prepared by: Mattia, Club Secretary
Guests: Gino and Murray